How to JSDoc
How do you document your JavaScript? I use JSDoc. It's a tool which goes through your source code, looks at comments, and generates a set of HTML…
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SPS Final (For Now) Update
This is the third update for the simian photo server project. I finally got the server to generate thumbnails and preview images without crashing my…
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SPS Update 2
When I started this project I intended to publish an update every day as I made progress. But neck troubles and an apartment hunt kept me too busy to…
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SPS Update 1
Here's the first project update for Simian Photo Server. It has been a little over 24 hours since I started the project and at the moment the status…
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Simian Photo Server
Yesterday was my last day at the office, and I have two weeks free before I start the next job. So of course I decided to start a new node project. I…
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Currying in JavaScript
Currying is the process of converting a multi-argument function to a series of single-argument ones. For example:
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Goal Function
Here's a puzzle I recently came across. We need to implement a function g as follows
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JavaScript Promise Cheat-Sheet
Promise is a new JavaScript feature standardized in ES6, although it has been implemented by various libraries for a while now. It is a way to manage…
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Goodbye Wordpress
I have been using Wordpress to drive my website ever since I got the domain name in 2006. Wordpress has only become richer and more feature-rich…
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Introducing Compute
Compute provides an implementation of observable, and observable-array. Compute also lets you define relationships among these observables. Compute…
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